Unfortunately, based on settings in the Android app manifest, not all of the existing applications in Android Market are available to these devices.
There are a few common reasons why your application may not show up in Android Market on CHARM or FLIPOUT:
1. These are QVGA devices which means the <supports-screens> tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file must include smallScreens="true" for your application to appear in Android Market.
2. The 3-megapixel camera has a fixed focus and no flash. If your application requests the CAMERA permission with <uses-permission android:name="CAMERA" />, you must also include a <uses-feature> tag with android.hardware.camera. Otherwise, Android assumes your application uses all camera features, including autofocus and flash and will filter your application from these devices.
Source & more...: MOTODEV Discussion Boards - Ensure your app reaches all Android consumers - learn how to support QVGA devices
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